Practices for You

Please enjoy these practices for when you are traveling or on the go.


Metta Meditation

Strengthen your Heart Muscle. ❤️ This 30 minute Guided Meditation practice will help you build more compassion for yourself and your loved ones. Metta meditation can also help you find compassion for challenging people, and humans who are suffering. This is a great meditation to do at the beginning of the day, anytime you find yourself frustrated, or at the end of the day to clear your heart and prepare for sleep.


Restorative Yoga for Lung Health

Three part practice to support the health and vitality of your lungs.

1. Lung 1 Meridian Tapping.
2. Three Restorative Yoga shapes that stimulate the lung and large intestine meridians.
3. Lung Meridian Connection.


Calming Meditation

This calming practice is called Inner Nourishing Qi Gong. The practice uses positive affirmation, breath, and tongue mudra to bring deep healing to your body and mind. This meditation can be taken a number of different variations based on needs of student.

1. Inhale silently say “I am”
2. Pause Breath and silently say “Calm and” (Tongue presses where pallet and top teeth meet)
3. Exhale and silently say “Relaxed” (Soften tongue and relax away from pallet)

Immune System Boost

Three Part Morning Practice:
1. Thymus Tapping (Simple practice to increase immunity and decrease inflammation)

2. Breath to Release Tension from Human Body.

3. Breath to Release Tension from Earth Body.


Gentle Water Yoga

A 30 minute movement practice and meditation to support your deep immune system thru your Kidney (water) energy. In this practice we will use sound, movement, and intention to release fear, find fluidity like the water, and use tools to deeply nourish our immune system.


Yoga Chikitsa

A modified version of Ashtanga Yoga Half Primary. This practice is modified to be supportive for beginners with blocks, blankets, and straps. Yoga Chikitsa is translated as “Yoga Therapy” and it is a wonderful way to bring purification and healing to your body and mind.